rabbit litter box training kit-Scratch Lounge Classic, Extra Large

Size Extra large

Scratch Lounge Original Scratch Lounge Cat Toy is a 3-sided cat scratcher that your cat will love lounging in, sleeping in, and of course, scratching! Like their ancestors from olden times, our kitties still love to snuggle up in small, enclosed spaces. Ever notice how kitties love to sit inside cardboard boxes? Put vertical and horizontal cardboard scratch surfaces in a small, enclosed space that they can spring their paws against and you've got an environment that satisfies a wide range of instinctual needs of today's busy kitties. That's what makes the SCRATCH LOUNGE the worlds best cat scratcher!

Features of this unique toy include:

Dense honeycomb texture that cats love to scratch
Easy to replace: just purchase a refill
100% recyclable and no harmful or toxic ingredients
A fun alternative to damaging your furniture or belongings!

This one-of-a-kind design allows cats to satisfy their instinctual need to nest. The SCRATCH LOUNGE will last far longer than other scratchers because of the reversible super-dense honeycomb construction of the pads. The design is so unique, it was issued a U.S. utility patent! SCRATCH LOUNGE even prevents cats from damaging furniture!